Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I'm a HUGE procrastinator. I'm also a perfectionist, and these two things don't work too well together. See, I put off doing things because I don't have the time (or don't want to take the time) to do them I just wait until I absolutely HAVE to do them.

This came back to bite me in the arse on Monday.

I had 2 doctor's appointments with about an hour in between them. My PLAN was to go to one appointment, run a couple errands, go to the next appointment, meet my SIL for lunch and then head back to work.

Everything was fine until I finished my errands early and decided to sit in my car and work on a small project while I killed some time. The weather outside was nice so I rolled down the windows and turned on the radio.

AND THEN, when it was time to leave for the doctor's office, my car was DEAD. DEAD, I say...would NOT turn over. It was only then that I thought back to about 10 months ago (that is a LONG time) when my Dad told me, after borrowing my car, that my battery was getting low and would probably need to be replaced soon. 10 months ago! And I was still driving around on my old worn out battery.

The car had been struggling to start lately. It was inevitable that it needed replacing, but I didn't have time (or whatever) to take care of it.

So, here I sat in the parking lot with a dead car and a doctor's appointment only 15 minutes later.

To make an already long and embarrassing story a little shorter, here's what happened. I called my SIL to come pick me up and take me to the doctor, where I was 30 minutes late but it worked out ok. And then to make up for the trauma of the morning, we sat in PF Changs for the next 90 minutes stuffing our bellies with yummy food. Then I realized that I should probably go take care of my car that I'd left sitting lonely in a parking lot.

SIL and I read the owner's manual to figure out how to jump start the car, and after a successful jump start (Go Girls!), I drove (and prayed that the car wouldn't die on me) directly to Sam's Club where I left the car running while I ran in to see if they had a battery for my car.

Whew! They did, and while they fixed my poor baby, I wandered around the store sipping on a cold Diet Coke and reading the backs of all the new paperbacks. By the time my car was ready, I only had an hour left of my work day, so I called my co-workers and said, "see ya tomorrow - I'm heading HOME."

So, my procrastination kinda paid off...I only worked 2.5 hours on Monday, and all it cost me was a frantic call to SIL, a yummy lunch at PF Changs and $50 for a new battery. A lot better than working on a Monday, don't ya think??


Elyce said...

Ok, I don't want to hear anymore complaints about a job that allows you that kind of flexibility!!! Lucky duck.

Jana said...

ditto on daisy's comment!! don't have a clue who she is, but i'm in total agreeance w/ her!

also . . you're a NERD!! lol.

Terri said...

paying a little money + having a little bit of stress = no work.


Sally said...

Ok, yes, my job is flexible, but I totally take advantage of that to get out of the crazy insane unorganized assinine place that I work.

I would be very happy to schedule my appointments outside of work if I had an enjoyable place to work.

And let's not even mention the fact that I took a 50% cut in vacation time to take this job, so I have to make up for it somehow, right???

Niki said...

Sounds like a good Monday to me! ;)

Chelf said...

We just had to replace the battery in our car this week too. Maybe that will fix the "Mystery Stopping Disease" it has had for two years? I can hope.

Go Girls, and Yay for flexible jobs!