* The 4 month shots didn't go quite as well as the 2 month round. We saw a new doctor since we couldn't get in to our normal one. And I LOVED her. She's new to the practice, pregnant with her second, and she took a ton of time with us. I requested her for our 6-month appointment again. Our appointment ended up being close to nap time, so Lil Major was starting to fuss by the time we were ready for shots. He screamed bloody murder with the first poke, and just kept going til we were done. I was able to calm him fairly quickly, but I felt so bad for him. He did great until he woke up from his nap that afternoon, and then the poor boy was in so much pain, but it was too early for more Tylennol. He finally calmed down and has been better since, but he's sure sleeping a lot today. My poor baby!
* Mom and I had hair appointments this morning. We're so funny, we always insist on new haircuts and color and fresh manis/pedis before we go out of town. I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford the nails this time, but I do have some rockin' hair now. Here's my first attempt at a self portrait...I have bangs!! For the first time since college. When did I get so brave??
* Lil Major and I leave in one week for our trip to CA. We're (or at least I am) so excited! Well, excited to be there, not so excited to travel there. I have a lot to get done this week, but even more to do before Mom and Dad leave in 4 days - they're driving so they're going to take some of our stuff with them.
* I know that I never updated on day care...we decided that we WILL NOT be taking Lil Major to a day care center - in home or not. The one we visited was pretty bad, at least I thought so. There were a few things that scared me - mostly that a 6-month old that was there was lying in the middle of the floor where 2 7-year olds were chasing each other around...and a 2-year old girl was devastated that her daddy left her, and the lady didn't bother to comfort her - she just kept telling her she was "ok" and "that's enough". Mom is going to watch the kiddo when she's in town, and I'll be looking for some back-ups when she's travelling. I got another lead from my hair dresser today.
* I'm actually excited about work! I had a good first week, and I really think that I can make a difference there. I ended up working for an hour on Friday for a meeting, and I'll have to be careful that doesn't happen too often. It's so refreshing when a management team backs up what they say...and so far, these guys do! I KNOW I made the right decision to leave where I was. I feel like I can BREATHE again!
* It's August, and it's Kansas, and it's only 70 degrees outside. Woo hoo!! This is our reward for all those 100+ days.
* Remember the consignment sale that I missed when I had the kiddo early? Well, there was another one this weekend, and since I missed the one in April, I got to go to the pre-sale this time. And I'm SO glad I did! I spent $88 and came home with 25 items: 2 costumes, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 toy, 2 Baby Einstein DVDs, 2 jackets, 2 hats, 5 jammies, 1 overalls, 6 pants and 2 more complete outfits...whew! Not bad! I will be stalking all the consignment sales from now on! The funny this is that half of what I bought came from the same lady - guess we have the same (great) taste!
I think that's all for now. I'm going to try to get some stuff done around the house this weekend in prep for our trip next weekend...unless the Olympics starts to distract me! Go USA!
Your hair DOES look great! Can't wait to see it in person.... :)
Love the bangs!!! So cute! Good luck packing up all the stuff you need to take with you and have fun in Cali - wish we were going to be there at the same time!
Cute hair! So jealous of your weather and your consignment sale. We're home now...can't wait to see you!
Love the hair!! Yeah, we're having some crazy nice weather here in Nebraska too! How NICE!!
Hey, you may already know this tip, but you can alternate Tylennol and Motrin. So if Lil' Major has had Tylennol and it hasn't been 4 hours yet you can give him Motrin, then the next dose would be Tylennol, etc. My doctor in Bako said it was fine and actually recomended it for kids with major discomfort from teething, sickness, shots, etc. (Obviously I would check with you ped first!) The reason is because Tylennol is acidemoniphen and Motrin is ibprophin, two different pain ingredients. Also I have found that Tylennol works way better for fever and Motrin works the best for pain. Way jealous of your weather, and I love your hair, its such a beautiful color!
Love the hair! And I'm so happy you are liking work! That makes a big difference.
the hair color looks very pretty.
and yikes about the baby left on the floor with 7-year olds running around! glad he gets to be with your mama, and that you are enjoying work thus far.
Love the hair, it looks great on you. I bet it will be easier too. Love all the pictures and glad you are liking your job.
wow...you got bangs!!!!! AWESOME!!!
the hair is fantastic! have a great time on your trip.
Yay for new haircuts! You look so cute!
Just getting caught up. Hope you have a lovely time on your trip.
I think you made the right decision about daycare. Do what feels right and you'll be alright. Lots of rights there, ha.
Happy for you that you like your new job.
I know you love having your Mom nearby. I don't know if you've read my blog lately but I will soon be back near Ginger and her babes.
The details of shot day sound about normal for those things. I know it hurt when they poked him(hurt you too, I mean).
Mama Bear
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