Monday, December 03, 2007

I need your help!

I'm only 19 weeks along, and my wedding ring is already too small!

I LOVE my wedding ring. Colonel and I picked it out together (I took him to the store and pointed and said, "that one!"). I'm never without it. I don't feel comfortable going to bed if it's not on my finger. I mean, what if there's a fire and I have to run out of the house, and it's not on my finger?? It might be lost forever! Seriously, it means a lot to me - it signifies the lifelong commitment that The Colonel and I made to each other over 7 years ago.

So, you can imagine my dismay when I realized that it didn't fit anymore. It was a little on the snug side anyway. We had it sized to a 5 1/4 after we got engaged, and there really wasn't any extra room.

I can't go another 5+ months without my ring, so I've decided to buy a cheap fake. Which means now is my chance to get something flashy with lots of stones, something fun that I can show off for a while...but, there are too many choices and I can't decide!

Below are 5 of my favorite ones I've seen so far. I've always been a gold person over a silver person. My real ring is gold, but I'm willing to branch out a little for this short time.

Help me decide! Tell me your favorite and why. Thanks!!


Amy said...

I like the second one. The only reasons I can give is that it is silver (I like silver better than gold) and I think it's pretty. If I knew all the terminology I would talk about liking or disliking channel set diamonds over blah blah blah diamonds but I don't so I can't. Sorry. The fourth is probably my second choice.

Bummer that your ring doesn't least you're realizing it and it won't get stuck...I've heard of that happening to people. In fact I think Suzy had to have hers cut off.

Sunshine said...

4th one. And I have no good reason why whatsoever, they're all nice.

maddie said...

i think # 5 looks most like you, so i like that the best for you. :)

will you wear your current wedding ring on a chain around your neck?

Sally said...

Wow! I didn't expect everyone to say something different! =)

Shell - I thought about wearing it on a chain around my neck...and then I started getting paranoid...what if it breaks? what if I lose it? Actually, I think I've already lost it - my mind, that is!

Jana said...

2 and 4 are my favorite . . . no reason other than i think they're the prettiest :) however, b/c we have such diff tastes, i have to agree w/ shell in that #5 looks more like something you'd wear . . or #1 of course, you COULD branch out since it's only temporary!! ;)

Jayme said...

I like 2 3 and 4. 1 is my least favorite. 5 is pretty...but really really really princess-y.

:) Love ya...

Elyce said...

Number five is my favorite! I love the band and the round part surrounding the stone. I get irritated by little tiny scrapes on my band, and this would solve that problem. But you'd probably have to clean it a lot to keep junk out of all those cracks and crevices. Still gets my vote, though!

Elyce said...

P.S. I have a friend who has a "pregnancy ring" that she wore all three times she was prego. So you'll be all set for next time...

Suzy said...

I did have to have my band cut off, not my engagement ring. I had it cut before it got too bad. That was when I had Camden and was swollen and when I delivered I looked like an old lady with extra skin. Yes, it was that bad. Anyway, I wore a fake with Gavin. It was a $10 beauty. It was glorious to pretend I had a new ring. Kenny vetoed one I bought because it was so over the top. I agreed. Anyway, I think I like the first one if gold is what you really like.

Take care. Happy does in fact indicate that you will be a mommy in a while. Enjoy it.

Terri said...

3rd or the 5th. I like the elegance of the 3rd one but the beautiful timeless look of the last one.

G&K said...

2 or 4 get my vote. Just be sure you really like what you pick- since you'll be the one wearing it. :-)

Christine said...

I like #2! Have fun choosing!

Anonymous said...

I know you've already decided but I like the first one.
Mama Bear