Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day 3 - picnics, cousins and birthdays

Dad's birthday was last Thursday, and we started off the celebration with french toast for breakfast...courtesy of Jana. After breakfast we all got ready and headed to the park to meet one of mom's cousins. He lives in IL, and we hadn't seen him in years. We had a good time playing with the boys, eating chicken, and getting reacquainted with mom's cousin.

For Dad's birthday dinner, we headed to a small town/suburb a ways away and ate at and old brewing company - at leas the building it was in was old. The food was SO good, and Dad and I tasted some of their home brews. Then we walked around the little town square, looking at shops and somehow avoiding going into the old style ice cream parlor (we had peach pie and ice cream waiting for us at home). And I'm sure we finished off the night playing a little Wii. =)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sounds like you're having SUCH a fun time!!!!!