Friday, March 28, 2008

At least it’s Friday

I just got back from the bathroom...seems like that’s all I do these days. And it certainly doesn’t help that I have to walk 269 steps in EACH direction to get to the bathroom, where I tinkle out my half cup of pee that made my bladder feel like it was going to explode.

I’m a little bit of a math nerd, so let’s see how far I actually have to walk...I measured my stride, and it’s about 20”, so one round trip to the bathroom is about 900’ or 0.17 miles. If I go to the bathroom 4 times a day (which I should probably make the trek more times, but c’’s .17 miles away!), then I walk 0.7 miles every day, just going to pee!

Ok, ok, it’s exercise, but that’s not the point. The point is that Lil Major is pushing down on my bladder with every step that I take, and it’s pure torture to walk those 269 steps to get my temporary relief (yes, I did really count the steps!).

At least when I have to get up every hour throughout the night, the bathroom is only about 20’ away. Of course, rolling onto my side, pushing myself up, and standing up to the music of my creaking joints and aching hips and back is pretty pitiful, too. As nervous as I am about labor and delivery, I’m starting to understand why people just want the baby to be out.

On another note, I had a jaw dropping experience this morning. Remember how I was going to fill up with gas earlier this week when it was only $2.98? And then I waited til the next morning, but it had jumped up to $3.08? Well, I decided to wait until I really needed it. And then my gas light came on last night. And when I passed the gas station last night, exhausted and hungry, I decided to wait until this morning when the price would have probably dropped another penny (getting me closer to the $2.98 I lost out on). Imagine my surprise (and my jaw hitting the steering wheel) this morning as I drove by the gas station, and the price had jumped up 20 cents OVERNIGHT! Today it’s $3.24!! And I actually really need gas this time! Of course, I’m stubborn, and I was pissed, so I passed right on by and drove to work with my gas light still on. Tomorrow it will probably be $3.34...that will show me! Grrr.

And just to add to this week...I’ve been on a total sugar kick this week. I can’t get out of it. I’ve eaten leftover Easter candy, Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms (Naner – I blame YOU for this one!), Twix bars, rice krispy treats, ice cream...whatever I can get my hands on. My teeth feel like crap, and I’m petrified about getting on the doctor’s scale on Monday. BUT, one good thing is that I’ve been focusing on my upper body in my aerobics classes this week, since I can’t keep up with the cardio anymore, and I’m seeing a slight difference in my upper arms. Yay!! Either that, or the rest of me is getting so big that my arms look smaller now. I’ll take it either way at this point.

I’m SO glad it’s Friday. I’m meeting a new friend for lunch tomorrow. She has my DREAM job at our local university – recruiting students into the engineering program. I will be picking her brain, volunteering to help, and praying that it may someday lead to a part time job that will allow me to get out of corporate America for good – or at least for a long while. We’ll see. Have a great weekend!


suezque said...

Great if your gas went up that much I bet ours gets close to $3.50! Yuck...We are really gonna have to save $$ if we even want to come in July! TGIF all the way!!!This has not been a great week for me, I can't wait for it to be over...

Laura said...

OH the joys of baby on the bladder. I am totally cracking up that you counted your steps to the bathroom at work.

Sara said...

You make me laugh counting all those steps and multiplying it all out. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt!

Terry said...

Sally, I too have been known to count steps....I wanted to know the length of my jogging trail and after I got it all figured out, I bought a pedometer... ha ha ha....But, I was accurate in my questimation.. Maybe I should have been an engineer or accountant.. I love playing with numbers =)

Billy said...

Pregnancy pee. Gotta love it. Has anyone told you that you will forget certain things that happened while you were pregnant? It happened to me. Your mind is going coo-coo sometimes.

One more month I see. Yay!

Amy said...

I love the calculations! There are still times when I marvel at the fact that I DON'T have to go to the bathroom all the time.

bandofbrothers said...

Long live the nerd, I say. Cool people are over-rated. I really miss my unit conversions. Thanks for the laugh.

side note, I noticed I missed some of your posts:( mind if I link you to my blog roll as Sally?

about that nursery...totally love the wall paint and GI JOE painting with flag. Coolest thing ever. and love the net thing. i'm not one for pastels either. Ollie currently resides in the guest room, but when he's big enough, crazy me is gonna stick him in with the 2 other boys, and then I'll go to town decking it out with music stuff, prolly.

Sally said...

Link away, Davi - link away! =)

Anonymous said...

Do you know what happens if you keep driving with the gas light on and ignore it? You run out of gas!! Better go ahead and get some. It's $3.07 here.
Mama Bear

Sally said...

Mama Bear - you're right, I know. And I've run out of gas plenty of times (on my camaro that I lemoned b/c the gas gauge never worked)...I made it to the station, I just didn't fill up. I can still be a little stubborn. =)