Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Great Week

Last week The Colonel and I had a great week! After our silly arguments about parenting classes, Valentine's Day came and swept us away.

Last year I cooked a fancy dinner and dessert, set the table with red and white and candles, and our super cool red champagne flutes. I got all dressed up, and we ate a candlelit dinner together. It was a lot of fun, and very special.

Well, this year we did it a little different. I wanted to hit my normal Thursday afternoon class at the Y, and I didn't want to have to rush home, clean up and cook. So, we ordered heart shaped pizza, gobbled it down in no time, and then we ate heart shaped cake that I'd baked the day before.

Before work, I had given The Colonel a card and a box of his favorite candy - Reeses PB Cups, and he gave me a card and book about the 50 best kisses from the big screen. But, I had another card for The that I made (inspired by my super creative SILs and friends). While The Colonel got up to get more pizza, I put the card on the table where he had been sitting. Not only did I make the card, but I filled the inside of it with a ton of reasons why I love him. I think he really liked's sitting by our bed right now!

After dinner, we just hung out on the couch and talked. Now, for any of you who know us, you will know that this is not an every day occurrence. The Colonel and I don't just sit and talk. We never have. Even in our early dating days. We are perfectly comfortable around each other, just sitting and reading or watching TV and having having small conversations, but we talked for hours on V-Day. Actually, HE talked for hours. We talked about what he went through growing up, how his relationship w/ his parents has ended up the way it is, how he came to join the USMC, how we want to do things different w/ our kids than our parents did, in some cases.

I have NO idea what brought this on, but I LOVED it. I even turned off LOST and just sat there in awe, listening to his stories. At one point, I had to pee so bad, but I was afraid to get up and end our time together. I finally got up, and he just picked up where he left off when I got back. Wow! Later, when we got in bed, I got my back rub I'd asked for for V-Day, and HE TOLD ME MORE!!! I'm SO thankful for that time we had together, and I hope we have many more times like that in our future.

If I wasn't floored enough by Thursday night, on Friday night The Colonel busts out and tells me that he's tired of waiting for Little Major to get here, and he's ready for him to come now! How sweet is that?? Again, it may not sound like a big deal, but coming from my usually non-emotional, get excited about nothing husband, this is a BIG deal!

Oh, but it doesn't end there.

I play Bunko once a month with some women in my neighborhood. We usually play the 2nd Thursday of each month, but that was V-Day this our hostess for the month decided to host a couple's Bunko game on Saturday night. When she first mentioned it, I decided not to even bring it up to The Colonel because I knew he would say no. A couple weeks later, I decided to just mention it...and he didn't immediately balk at it. So, I waited a few more days and brought it up again.

Well, he ended up saying that he would go! I was shocked!! He does not like going to parties, he HATES playing games, and he doesn't really enjoy meeting new people (yes, he's quite the introvert), but he went! Granted, he did start to get cold feet when we pulled up to the clubhouse, but he went inside with me, and he had a great time!

There were 5 couples there, and he knew none of them. I knew 2 of the ladies, and none of the husbands, but by the end of the night we were all friends. We ate chocolate and cheese fondue, rolled dice, laughed and yelled, and had a great time. I'm hoping that this GOOD experience will convince my hubby to try more things like this in the future.

Come to think of it, I could have been in the twilight zone last week!


Elyce said...

Surely the Colonel has been body-snatched! That doesn't sound like the Kramer-ish, stoic old marine I know! This post makes me REALLY miss you guys and the fun the four of us always had... and could be having. :(

Amy said...

wow...I can't imagine getting J to agree to such a thing. Spending time with other couples? Other than his brother and my parents, that just doesn't happen very often! I'm glad you both had fun! Sounds like a great week!

suezque said...

Ah-ha! Now he has No excuse for not playing games when we're all around!!! ;-) Glad you had a good week! Can't wait to see you guys for Easter!

Jayme said...

are we talking about the same kernal we all know??? that you?

Is there some weird body snatcher pod in your basement?

what the heck.

and can I get an e-mail about some of that parent what he want do different than the rents?

let me know

Sally said...

I'm glad I've succeeded in wowing all of you! =)

Agnes and Daisy - I know that this isn't The Colonel you remember meeting when we were roomies...I like to think I've been good for him. He's certainly been good for me!

And, Daisy, I SO miss hanging out with you guys...and I will always remember how our love stories happened at the same time.

Suez - Don't hold your breath on the family games unless we play something mindless like bunko! Especially since he'll have another kid to play with shortly. =)

Jayme - we'll have to chat about some of those stories.

Anonymous said...

This is so great. Sometimes you have to plan for these heart to hearts, even if they don't happen. I try for us to have a little quality time every Friday night because like you two we spend lots of evenings together doing our own thing while sitting side by side on the Love Seat. We both have laptops.
My man has never been one for parties are large gatherings either. He does it occasionally for me. I"m so happy for you that these things happened.

maddie said...

maybe he was overcome by love because of valentines' day. either way, it's so sweet. it's amazing what comes out of them when you least expect it! i'm glad he came out of his 'tough guy' shell a little bit more and hope he continues to do so!!
