Friday, February 22, 2008

Random thoughts...

from my drive to work:

“Dude,” I actually said out loud looking at the guy in the truck next to me, “your belly is bigger than mine!”

Then, thinking about how a new friend that I met last night (more about that later) told me that her daughter started dancing in her belly when she played Metallica, I changed my Bullfrogs & Butterflies CD to Joel Weldon (another blast to the past from junior high camp) and started rocking out.

All that rocking out woke up Lil Major, and put me in a better mood, so I actually let someone in when they signaled that they wanted over (I’m normally a pretty aggressive – BUT SAFE – driver, so this was indeed an act of kindness on my part). Of course, the normal me came out when this driver’s car kicked up a BIG rock and put a dent in my windshield. See what I get for being nice??


Sunshine said...

My oldest son danced around to Metallica and Seal. And now he has an affinity for classic rock over classical music....hmmmm.

Terri said...

Hi Sally! I know I don't know you, but I know your sis, Jana, from college! make a long story short...I came across your blog from hers and saw you were doing an army theme for your baby...I was reading in my parents mag and saw something that I thought was totally cute, and would go with your theme. SO I thought, what the heck, I'd go out on a limb and write you! It's a really cool jeep bin, that kids can sit in AND then store their toys in. You can go to this website to see a pic:
I think the mag said it was like $70. So sorry if this is totally weird b/c I don't know you...just thought it was super cute:)

Since joining the blogging world myself, I am finding that I love to check out other people's blogs! Hope all is well with the exciting!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I just lost the comment I was typing. Anyway, I was telling G about you doing the nursery in Camo(sp). She said, Sally who? I said, you know Midwest Girl. She said, Midwest Girl is pregnant?
Apparently,since she went back to Walmart, she isn't reading blogs as much.
Be good!
Mama Bear

maddie said...

haha. i totally rock out to metallica, too. it'll be interesting to see what the peanut ends up liking....

Jayme said...

you have winshield rock radar.

Sally said...

Girls - just so you all know...I wrecked my best friend's car when I was 18 as I was listening to Sad but True by Metallica...that song STILL scares me! =)

Terri - thanks for stopping by! I have to admit, I've checked out your blog, too! I'll start commenting now!

Mama Bear - I miss G's blogging! She sounds so busy right now.

Jayme - don't I?? But, I don't think it's me, it's Kansas!